friends in the next (fast?) lane...

and friendly places to stay...
and welcome gift bags...
and friends wearing fancy blue boots...
and friends who created the fabulous Destination Indiana exhibit...
and friends at restaurants...
and friends sitting on suitcases...
and friends at the Mass Avenue Pub on Easter Sunday...
and the end of the road at Lucas Oil Stadium where we witnessed basketball magic and cheered with all our might for the bravura Butler Bulldogs. As Teddy Roosevelt said, the credit belongs to the [team] who is actually in the arena.
Check our Indy photos to see all those that wouldn't fit on this blog post!
Yours in counting ourselves lucky to have been in the arena,
It was so wonderful to see you both! Just think: next year, the final game of the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament will be played in Houston on the same day the MV Explorer arrives in Japan with you two on board. Luckily, Kelly has an iPhone, so you can find out about Butler winning it all at the same time the rest of us do--even if you are half a world away. Aren't smartphones great? I think they're definitely as cool as the belt clips made to hold them, but not quite as nerdy. :)