Saturday, August 16, 2008

#332 Carrying on at sea

Even though Kelly is on land, we continue to carry on his kite-flying tradition here at sea.

Summer and Aree, now avid kite flyers, are shown here preparing to launch some of the kites Kelly purchased in Alexandria for the exorbitant price of 50 cents each.
While Summer proudly flies her kite, Aree is despondent over her kite's inability to stay aloft, while Melissa, Amy, and Michelle stand amazed.
To commemorate the event, the ship's videographer interviews the kite flyers.
Yours in carrying on,


  1. Hi Mary,

    Just wanted to let you know that we've seen Kelly, he looks well, and we plied him with nutritious (if not tasty) vegetarian food. We also got more details on your visit to Petersburg (I hear you're now experts on dealing with Russian passport control). See *you* soon, too!


  2. Thanks for the update!

    And thanks for feeding Kelly. He has grown quite fond of getting 3 square meals a day served to him.

    I'm glad to hear he looks well. Are you sure he doesn't look just a little bit sad? A little bit lonely, perhaps?

  3. As Lauren Bacall said, "Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly" ... so I've been joining both of you - Kelly on your kite-flying escapades and Mary in your sightseeing (though probably not the libraries if I'm totally honest...) but taking flight with my imagination and enjoying your trip with you ... remembering the Italy of my youth and imagining myself there soon!
