Tuesday, January 04, 2011

#436 The World Is Our Campus

Rumors of a major upgrade to the cabin décor aboard the MV Explorer are true.
In every cabin hangs a beautiful new wall map of the world, size large.

Yours in getting our voyage off to a mappy new start,


  1. We're in lovely cabin 4104 in the middle of the ship on the 4th deck. We just found out today that we'll keep this same cabin after the reunion voyage ends - so we're busy trying to find the right place for all our stuff.

  2. I'll need a report on how to mark my current location on the map without marring it. Please test various methods and share your findings. :)

  3. Deck 4 is cool. Joseph is our cabin steward. I don't know how those guys do it. The enrichment voyage was filled to capacity. Yet, after their morning departure, our cabin was waiting for us in the afternoon. And after we arrived, Joseph turned our twin beds into what you see in the photo.

  4. Rebecca, we might suggest some of those arrow-shaped sticky notes. My favorite geographer is worried that any markings made on the map might blemish its perfection.

  5. I'm homesick for the ship.....

  6. Those digs will work for me for the next voyage. Make a note!!
